62nd International Fair of Technics and Technical Achievements

62nd International Fair of Technics and Technical Achievements

Institute Mihajlo Pupin presented a small demo of InBetween smart home devices


The International Fair of Technics and Technical Achievements is held annually with the aim to show the main technological achievements of Serbian and regional research institutes, faculties, and companies from domains of ICT technology, mechanics, etc.

The 62nd edition was held in Belgrad, Serbia, from 21 to 25 May 2018: 610 direct or represented exhibitors and other participants (281 of them the international ones) from 30 countries featured at the Fair by their technical/technological achievements and innovations, from manufacturing or design companies, through the science research and educational institutions and Business Associations, to the startup projects and innovative individuals.

This year, the International Fair of Technics and Technical Achievements attracted 21,593 visitors.

SMILE team is glad to announce that InBetween project partner Institute Mihajlo Pupin has one of the biggest stands at this event where it presents its projects and solutions from the ICT domain to professionals and general public. This year, they also prepared a presentation of InBetween project as well as a small demo with the smart home devices.


Action acronym: inBetween
Action full title: ICT enabled BEhavioral
change ToWards Energy EfficieNt

Grant agreement no: 768776
loro europa

This project has received funding from
the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No. 768776